#78 ✓resolved
WTG User

Workflow Clarification Please

Reported by WTG User | March 12th, 2010 @ 06:00 PM

I'm the tech director for a K-12 school in Brooklyn, NY. I'm considering using Concerto for a student-led digital signage project. Concerto looks like a fantastic for our application. Our plan is to have a small group of students contributing content, but a faculty or administrator approving what actually gets posted. I've logged on as an admin in the online demo, but it wasn't clear to me whether an admin must approve content before it "goes live". I saw the "disapprove" button on all the feed content I looked at, but if I assume that content has already been displayed. Therefore, disapproving it after the fact would not be very helpful if the content was, er... inappropriate. I noticed the warnings about only giving access to "trusted" persons for creating content feed. That might work with college students, but our's would be high school students creating content. I'm sure you comprehend the potential pitfalls...

Thanks for creating Concerto. I hope we get to use it!!
Jim Anderson
Director of Technology
The Packer Collegiate Institute

PS: Do you have any students on your team who call Brooklyn home? If so, perhaps they could pay us a visit over the summer and help us get going with Concerto. Just a thought.

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