#84 ✓invalid
WTG User

Text and Ticker Fields

Reported by WTG User | June 1st, 2010 @ 08:03 PM

Text and ticker fields do not display anything. I've been trying to setup a screen in concerto using the Blue Swoosh template. When I assign an appropriate feed to each of the regions, (Date / Time to the Time and Date region; and image feed to the Graphics region; a text feed to the HTML Text region and an RSS feed set up as per http://www.concerto-signage.com/help_pages/39 to the Ticker region) only the date / time and images show up. When I add content to the text feed concerto says that feed is being displayed on 0 screens, but when I check the screen subscriptions the feed is subscribed.

Concerto seems like a really good piece of software and I'm about to roll it out to 15 screens across our university campuses (University of Gloucestershire), it would be brilliant if you could help me get these fields / feeds working as they should.

Daniel McGiff - Student at University of Gloucestershire

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • Daniel McGiff

    Daniel McGiff June 1st, 2010 @ 08:21 PM

    Apologies, have now got this working by putting the RSS feed in a text field and the text feed in the ticker field. Time to go eat humble pie. :$

    Daniel McGiff

  • Brian Michalski

    Brian Michalski June 2nd, 2010 @ 12:08 AM

    • State changed from “new” to “invalid”

    I'm glad to hear everything is working, let me know if you run into any additional trouble!

    ~Brian M

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